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Like many photographers, I’m a geek. Technical down to the details. But when it comes to natural light, it’s mostly luck.
Evan, the younger boy is a little shy, but his brother, Elliot, brought the best smile out of him. What I can’t show here was what the parents…
Last month, we visited my sister and her family in Sydney to welcome my newborn niece. Staying with them for 2 weeks gave me a deeper insight into…
I found this image very apt for today.
And here to take over the world 😀
Here’s a set of images from Nick and Bel’s photoshoot. It was casual, like very casual.
First time carrying a less than month old baby. She seems comfortable with me… for a while:) Achievement unlocked.
While Kenji and Kago are busy snuffing out whatever they can find in the grass.
I can’t resist posting this one, too funny. Those with 2 or more kids will know this very well.