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Like many photographers, I’m a geek. Technical down to the details. But when it comes to natural light, it’s mostly luck.
Those little moments that happen during the preparation phase of the wedding. If you look hard enough, there will be someone looking at you.
Definitely not cartoon network. Probably inspired the kids to do their korean drama during dinner (a few posts back).
When left alone, kids and their drama.
I really like how the toilet symbol sort of represents the bride and the groom.
Runaway kids are ok. As long they don’t pack up their stuff and run away (back in the days, it’s called “zao chu” or running away from home).
To be fair, he did complete the walk down the aisle before running back out. Maybe he just want to see the bride before the groom.
When you grow up, be like that guy. No, not the one with the camera:D
I was flying… like wheeeeeeeeee! And there was evidence:)
So damn hot these days… the rare times I am actually glad I am sitting behind the computer editing. It’s seriously burning out there…
Another sort of simple affair to share (or according to them… what started as a really simple affair). It’s not everyday that you can turn an upmarket western…
Like the Mars rover, if you leave kids running around at a wedding ceremony, you get unexpected results. Sometimes, a gem or two.
Evan, the younger boy is a little shy, but his brother, Elliot, brought the best smile out of him. What I can’t show here was what the parents…
Last month, we visited my sister and her family in Sydney to welcome my newborn niece. Staying with them for 2 weeks gave me a deeper insight into…
I found this image very apt for today.
I can’t resist posting this one, too funny. Those with 2 or more kids will know this very well.